
Gazetka szkolna ‘ This is your year to ... ‘

- zestaw do wycięcia i udekorowania tablicy, drzwi lub innego dowolnego miejsca na przywitanie uczniów po wakacjach i nie tylko

- 21 kartek A4

- cyferki na lata: 2024/2025, 2025/2026, 2026/2027, 2027/2028, 2028/2029

- 20 napisów kończących zdanie ‘This is your year to ...’ : discover new passions / enjoy learning / stay positive / make memories / have fun / take risks / reach for the stars / be curious / dream big / believe in yourself / shine bright / try your best / achieve your goals / challenge yourself / earn new skills / stay determined / take responsibility / celebrate successes / find balance / appreciate others

- 8 zdań z sowami ‘ You are ... ‘ : important / unique / capable / talented / smart / valuable / amazing / wonderful

- 6 cytatów: Knowledge is power. / Education is the key to success. / Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. / Education is a journey, not a destination. / Mistakes are proof that you are trying. / With languages, you are at home anywhere.

- 12 kluczy do sukcesu: determination / hard work / focus / motivation / curiosity / patience / discipline / creativity / passion / organisation / collaboration / self-discipline

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